Importing A Boat To Canada

Published August 23rd, 2011

Every country has import laws. Laws which define what can be imported and how it should be imported. Once you follow the proscribed steps you will have success. This is certainly true of importing a boat into Canada. The steps are very basic and the instructions clear. Thousands of people do it every day. They just read the relevant section of the Canadian code, gather the necessary certification and proofs of ownership. Present them to the border official. In no time at all you will have legally imported your boat into Canada. Using an agent can make the process quick and painless. When you do it on your own you gain and grow from the experience.

The first step in importing a bout into Canada is collecting the papers establishing your ownership. Papers accepted as proof of ownership for border crossing purposes include an agreement of purchase and a bill of sales. The bill of sale and the title must be properly dated. You must have separate titles and bills of sale for the boat and the trailer. You should also have al ads, invoices, email, licenses and canceled cheques used during the purchase. You must also have insurance on the boat before importing it into Canada.

The trailer carrying the boat is treated as a separate piece by the border patrol. A bill of sale specifically identifying the trailer, any ad announcing the trailer and boat for sale and a picture of the boat and trailer should be sufficient. You will have to pay taxes on the trailer but not the boat. If the trailer is less than 15 years old you must pay just over $200.00 for an inspection. You will have to pay Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV) fee and the trailer must have a valid vehicle identification number. Once you cross the Canadian border you must have the vehicle inspected at a Canada Tirestores. You must also pay all taxes and pay the PST on the trailer.

Crossing the border can be a breeze if you are properly prepared. Have a pouch with all the ownership and transfer papers handy. Answer the border agent's questions clearly and succinctly. Show the required receipts to the border agent. They will verify the vehicle identification number and the bills of sale for the boat and the trailer. The rumor you have to notify U.S. customs 72 hours in advance to facilitate a title search is false. That rule currently only applies to cars.

Importing a boat into Canada is simple. The key is to have all your paperwork present and in order. Boats and trailers are researched and taxed separately. You must have insurance coverage or you will be allowed to import neither the boat nor the trailer it is on. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has made importing a boat to Canada cheaper as well. Today importing a boat is as easy as walking up to the bolder, showing your paperwork and driving on into Canada.


To have the importing of your boat handled by professionals be sure to contact Marine Connection today!

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